content SEO vs technical SEO

No matter how good your product or service is, it won’t mean much if nobody can find your business online.

In fact, poor marketing is one of the many reasons why 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. Search engine optimization (SEO) can get your brand in front of the right people, but not everybody understands the difference between content SEO vs technical SEO.

Knowing the differences can dictate whether your strategies succeed. We’ve written a brief guide that details the key factors you need to consider. Let’s look at what you should know.

Content SEO

This is the process of developing content that focuses on certain keywords. It’s essential to publish this content regularly so you can maximize your Google ranking.

It’s worth noting that content SEO requires an existing SEO foundation to be effective. To clarify, you can’t simply create a website and publish content and expect to achieve stellar performance.

However, content SEO plays a large role in a site’s ability to rank on Google. The most prominent ranking factors of content SEO are user engagement, niche expertise, quality, and trustworthiness. Google uses a metric known as a bounce rate to help determine these.

This measures scenarios where people visit your site and immediately leave. If this occurs, it tells Google that your content is low-quality or irrelevant. To make the most of content SEO, you’ll need to remain consistent.

Quality content won’t get you very far if you publish it irregularly. Make sure your content provides value to your audience. It should answer a question or help them overcome an issue.

Technical SEO

Using technical SEO involves making back-end optimizations to your website. These can include site loading speed, fixing broken links, and structuring data.

This process serves as the foundation for your site’s performance. Google will penalize sites without strong technical optimization.

Improving your site’s technical page speed is a particularly crucial element to focus on. Consider the last time you waited more than a few seconds for a web page to load. Chances are you navigated away and went to another site instead.

When designing your site, focus on a single domain without subdomains. You should also optimize for mobile browsing. It’s not uncommon for people to use smartphones and tablets as their primary browsing devices.

If your site doesn’t display properly, they’ll leave. Maintain an SSL certificate so you can keep user data safe and protect your site from hackers.

Content SEO vs Technical SEO

Ideally, you’ll use a combination of both. Content SEO and technical SEO are essential for achieving high Google rankings. They also can’t reach their full potential without the other.

When creating your SEO strategy, be sure to focus on both equally. This will give you the greatest chance of success. It will also allow you to avoid Google’s penalties, which can severely harm your ranking.

Benefits of SEO

SEO comes with numerous benefits aside from a boosted search engine ranking. Understanding these will help you leverage them to the fullest extent. Listed below are some of the most notable.

Stay Competitive

Regardless of what industry you’re in, your top competitors are using SEO. If you forego this opportunity, you simply won’t keep up with them.

This can substantially widen the gap in performance between your company and theirs. The good news is you can learn from your competition.

Visit their website and see how it’s structured. What type of content do they publish?

How quickly do their pages load? Simple details like these can provide insight into how you can improve your current SEO strategies.

Build Trust

When you consistently provide useful content, you’ll build trust with your audience. This trust will cause them to consider you a primary resource for certain information.

Once they become customers, you’ll be the first brand they think of when buying certain products or services. It all starts with quality SEO.

Brand Awareness

As previously mentioned, it’s crucial to get your company in front of the right people. SEO will drastically increase your brand’s exposure.

As time goes on, people will begin to remember your company’s name and what it offers. This helps them become familiar with it, making them more likely to engage with your content. After all, would you rather purchase a product from a company you know or a company you’ve never heard of?

Organic Traffic

There’s nothing inherently wrong with paid traffic. In many cases, it can provide a much-needed boost.

However, it’s important to note that this traffic dries up as soon as you stop budgeting for ads. In contrast, organic traffic occurs naturally and remains consistent over long periods of time. Search engine optimization helps people find your brand on their own, allowing you to forego paid ads.

Getting Started

The best way to get started is to work with SEO services. They’ll provide access to powerful tools and resources you can leverage to increase your performance. When looking for someone to hire, see what others have to say about the experiences they had.

Never work with a firm unless they have a strong amount of positive feedback. You should also ensure they have worked with companies like yours in the past. The last thing you want is to hire someone who doesn’t understand the nuances of your industry.

How communicative are they? You can’t expect to get solid results if they aren’t easy to get in touch with.

You should also examine their pricing structure. If they aren’t transparent about what they charge, continue your search elsewhere.

This is a red flag you can’t ignore. With enough research, you shouldn’t have trouble finding the ideal service provider.

Don’t Neglect SEO

Once you understand content SEO vs technical SEO, you can develop a comprehensive strategy that helps you reach your target metrics. From here, you’ll take your company’s performance to the next level and substantially improve your brand awareness.

WSI is an innovative digital marketing agency that has offices in over 80 different countries. Our team prides itself on delivering fast results without sacrificing quality. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can bring your company’s vision to life.