web development best practices

Forty-eight percent of internet users say design is the top way they determine a website’s credibility. Ninety-four percent of people reported poor design as the top reason they don’t trust specific websites.

The internet is saturated with websites vying for the attention of consumers. With so much competition, it’s vital for the health of your business to keep up with web development best practices.

Keeping up with the current best practices means keeping up with what consumers want. Remember, it’s all about the consumer. If your customers don’t like your website, it isn’t doing you any good.

So, what are the web development best practices you should be adopting in 2020? We’ve listed seven of the biggest below.

Why Is Web Design Important?

Web design has finally been gaining traction, and getting the recognition it deserves as a vital part of any marketing strategy. What makes it so important? Your website’s design is the first thing users notice.

Many users will leave your site simply because they don’t like the design. Easy navigation and fast page load speeds rank highest in what users first notice. But they aren’t the only things.

There are other things customers want to see, too. Seven of the top design trends of 2020 are listed below.

1. User Experience Should Be First in Mind

User experience is the most crucial design aspect from a consumer’s point of view. Also known as UX, this method places the consumer’s experience on your website as the top priority.

Intuitive design will be simple and easy to navigate. Consumers shouldn’t have to guess how to get to the important pages of your website. The information on your website should also be desirable to the consumer.

2. Make Use of Negative Space

Crowded websites have never been in style. Yet many designs still don’t make appropriate use of negative space. “Negative space” means leaving ample blank areas between your words and designs.

Negative space makes your website more appealing. It also causes less eye strain for users. Information becomes more comfortable to read and follow.

When information is more comfortable to follow, it also becomes easier to remember. If you want website users to remember any of the information you present, negative space is a must.

3. Use Contrasting Colors to Draw the Eye

Websites of the past used blinking lights and flashing arrows to direct users where to go. This isn’t only an outdated method, it has several adverse effects on your website. Page load time decreases, neon colors cause eye strain, and nobody wants to see it anymore.

Instead, use contrasting colors (that aren’t neon) to draw the eye. Use contrasts to draw people towards important elements of your website naturally. You might want to attract people to your logo, call-to-actions, or ongoing sales.

4. Use Breadcrumbs to Increase Navigability

The term breadcrumbs refers to simple navigation at the top of pages to let consumers know where they are. It might look like this:

Home / Clothing / Men’s T-Shirts

Breadcrumbs will make your site’s navigation more accessible. This increases the overall user experience mentioned above. Breadcrumbs can also increase sales by making products easier to access.

5. Mobile Optimization Is Vital

Mobile optimization has made the list of web development best practices for years. It might sound like a broken record, but many websites still aren’t optimized for mobile use.

A significant number of people access the internet through smartphones and tablets. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, you’re missing out on a lot of potential views. The fewer views your website has, the fewer sales you can potentially make.

6. Optimize for Speed

Speed is everything. Page load times that are only seconds longer can drastically increase bounce rates. Simple and fast to load is the best option for the modern world.

Increasing page speed loading time means keeping pages simple. A few ways you can increase page loading speed include:

  • Decrease the number of graphics used per page
  • Keep advertisements to a minimum
  • Limit written information per page
  • Use caching
  • Compress image sizes on appropriate software
  • Compress HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the appropriate software

These are only a few ideas. You can experiment with different options to increase your website’s page loading speed.

7. Use Landing Pages for Marketing Campaigns

Do you run marketing campaigns through Google or social media? Consider directing people to landing pages instead of the home or services page. Landing pages are pages dedicated to a single, specific call-to-action.

You might use a landing page to direct consumers to:

  • Subscribe to your email list
  • Buy a product
  • Download free content
  • Use a coupon

There are many other things you could use a landing page for. It’s important to remember a landing page should focus on a single call-to-action.

Bonus: Increase Security With Plugins

With so many cyber threats in recent years, security is a big concern for the average person. It’s easy to increase the security of your website with plugins. Increasing security will help users feel more comfortable using your site.

You can install an SSL certificate to enable an encrypted website connection. You can also connect a security plugin that is compatible with your website. These are both simple, easy ways to increase security.

Do You Still Have Questions About Web Development Best Practices?

The best practices for web design and development are continually evolving. Those mentioned above will help your website perform best in 2020.

Do you still have questions about web development best practices in 2020? Or, would you like professional help with your website design?

Contact us today. One of our associates would be happy to answer any questions you still have. They can also assist you in choosing the best web design services for your unique needs if desired.