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SEO Best Practices for 2018: The Essential List of Dos and Don’ts

Are you trying to use SEO strategies to get your website ranking on the first page of Google? You might be spinning your wheels if you don’t realize that SEO is in constant evolution! What worked last week might not work today. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and ahead of your competitors, …

What Are Social Signals and How Do They Affect Your Search Engine Rankings?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a broad umbrella that includes a lot of other tasks and metrics. What you may not expect is that social signals also fall under this umbrella. It’s one of the vital SEO ranking factors you may not be taking advantage of to its fullest potential. Wait, what are social media signals? How …

The Benefits of PPC Ad Campaigns and Why Businesses Need Them

It’s hard to believe that there are still businesses not taking advantage of the benefits of PPC advertising when you look at how search engines have shaped our buying habits. For customers who are looking to buy, 65% of them are clicking on paid advertisements. Why? Convenience, of course. These paid advertisements are the first results that …

Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Online Business

With flexible hours, the ability to work anywhere in the world with a Wi-Fi connection, and having a sense of pride in your own business, starting an online business is the dream of many. However, according to many sources, approximately 90% of all Internet business start-ups end in failure within the first 120 days. There …